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Showing posts from February, 2023

Tune Up Time

For nearly 20 years, I've included tuning forks in a number of frequencies in my sessions, and healing harp for 30.  Sound and vibration in many forms can help restore balance and effect healing.  My harmonic tool kit includes Harp, drums, rattles, native American flute, Tibetan bowls and both weighted and unweighted forks. In 2005, I took the  Acutonics  basic practitioner training, & found a set of 'Intention Tuners' on e-bay, from a practitioner who was switching fields -  serendipity!  Vibrational healing pairs well with on body massage or Reiki, and  Lightweaving  which is done off the body. I use both weighted and unweighted forks during recent sessions, with great results! One long time client & friend told her husband, 'That was the  BEST  massage I've ever received!'  "In water and watery solids, such as the human body, sound travels over 4x faster in the form of photons or sonic shear waves. As the sound emanating ...

Take it to the Journal

  In our Intentional Creativity practices and classes, we often suggest,  'take it to the journal' especially when feeling stuck or seeking insights.  For decades, I've kept journals with lots of words, and sketchbooks ... in our Intentional Creativity process we combine the two, and use art and color to assist processing and integration.  Healed Enough journal Simple composition books make a great base for these creative journals, and is fun to decorate the covers, as we did in school! Another option is a sketchbook with blank pages - choose something you'll enjoy using!   Simple art materials suffice and add interest - washi tape, markers, inexpensive paint, old magazines for collage, tools for making patterns, oil pastels, mod podge and glitter are fun ways to add color and movement.  This is a great place to record your intention, ideas and insights that arise during a class or project.  At times I participate in a friend's  EFT tapp...