For nearly 20 years, I've included tuning forks in a number of frequencies in my sessions, and healing harp for 30. Sound and vibration in many forms can help restore balance and effect healing.
My harmonic tool kit includes Harp, drums, rattles, native American flute, Tibetan bowls and both weighted and unweighted forks.

In 2005, I took the Acutonics basic practitioner training, & found a set of 'Intention Tuners' on e-bay, from a practitioner who was switching fields - serendipity!
Vibrational healing pairs well with on body massage or Reiki, and Lightweaving which is done off the body. I use both weighted and unweighted forks during recent sessions, with great results! One long time client & friend told her husband, 'That was the BEST massage I've ever received!'
"In water and watery solids, such as the human body, sound travels over 4x faster in the form of photons or sonic shear waves. As the sound emanating from tuning forks strikes the body's skin interface, complex electrical & photon interactions take place that can alter tissue dielectric properties including altering various acupuncture meridians. ...." (xiv - in Dr Karl H. Maret's forward to Tuning the Human Biofield)
One explanation for why/how tuning forks work: "teeny reciprocal tuning forks on each cell membrane, producing either incoherent or coherent frequencies, 'changing their tune,' as it were, when bathed in coherent sound." (P 39)
In 'Tuning the Human Biofield' sound healer
Eileen McKusick writes: "Sound balancing is a therapeutic method that makes use of the frequencies produced by tuning forks to detect and correct distortions and imbalances within the biomagnetic energy field, or biofield, that surrounds the human body." (p1)
I love her image of a 'mail slot' type experience, where information on how to proceed comes in, as though 'a mail slot in the back of the head randomly opens, & a note drops in.' I often experience this when teaching Qigong, or during healing and creative sessions - the information is just there!
This winter I added several longer (lower tone) Schumann Resonance weighted forks, and another set of unweighted to my collection, and am exploring ways to use them in sessions.
New forks and striker
In the 90s, on my way to a workshop on Music for Healing and Transition, I stayed the night with friends, and played harp for them. One practices animal communication, and told me their older dog 'asked,' "Is that another way Nadya talks? It makes my whole body feel good!"
That's another way I talk!
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